Source code for spatialtis.plotting.basic

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from anndata import AnnData
from milkviz import stacked_bar, dot_heatmap, anno_clustermap
from typing import List

from spatialtis.utils import doc, get_result
from .utils import pairs_to_adj
from .. import Config

[docs]@doc def cell_components(data: AnnData, groupby: str = None, key: str = "cell_components", orient: str = "v", type_order: List[str] = None, **plot_options, ): """Visualization of the cell components Parameters ---------- data : {adata_plotting} groupby : str The key in :code:`Config.exp_obs` to stratify the data. key : {plot_key} orient : {'v', 'h'}, default: 'v' type_order : {type_order} **plot_options: Pass to :func:`milkviz.stacked_bar`. """ data = get_result(data, key) groupby = data.index.names[0] if groupby is None else groupby if type_order is not None: data = data.loc[:, type_order] data = data.groupby(groupby).sum().melt( ignore_index=False, value_name="Count").reset_index() data = data.rename(columns={'cell type': 'Cell Type'}) return stacked_bar(data, group=groupby, value="Count", stacked="Cell Type", orient=orient, **plot_options)
[docs]@doc def cell_density(data: AnnData, groupby: str = None, key: str = "cell_density", orient: str = "v", type_order: List[str] = None, **plot_options, ): """Visualization of cell density Parameters ---------- data : {adata_plotting} groupby : {groupby} key : {plot_key} orient : {'v', 'h'}, default: 'v' type_order : {type_order} **plot_options: Pass to :func:`milkviz.stacked_bar`. """ data = get_result(data, key) if type_order is not None: data = data.loc[:, type_order] data = pd.melt(data, ignore_index=False, value_name="density").reset_index() options = dict(palette="tab20", **plot_options) x, y, hue = "cell type", "density", None xlabel, ylabel = "Cell Type", "Density" if groupby is not None: x = groupby xlabel = groupby hue = "cell type" if orient == "h": x, y = y, x xlabel, ylabel = ylabel, xlabel ax = sns.boxplot(data=data, x=x, y=y, hue=hue, **options) ax.set(xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel) ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), title="cell type", handleheight=1, handlelength=1, labelspacing=0.3, handletextpad=0.3, frameon=False) if orient == "v": ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) return ax
[docs]@doc def cell_morphology(data: AnnData, groupby: str = None, key: str = "area", type_order: List[str] = None, cell_type_key: str = None, **plot_options, ): """Visualization of cell morphology Parameters ---------- data : {adata_plotting} groupby : {groupby} key : {plot_key} type_order : {type_order} cell_type_key : {cell_type_key} **plot_options : Pass to :func:`seaborn.boxplot`. """ cell_type_key = Config.cell_type_key if cell_type_key is None else cell_type_key options = dict(palette="tab20", **plot_options) query_keys = [key, cell_type_key] if groupby is None else [key, cell_type_key, groupby] pdata = data.obs[query_keys] if groupby is None: ax = sns.boxplot(data=pdata, x=cell_type_key, y=key, order=type_order, **options) else: ax = sns.boxplot(data=pdata, x=groupby, y=key, hue=cell_type_key, hue_order=type_order, **options) ax.legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0, 1, 1), title="cell type", frameon=False) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) ax.set(xlabel="Cell Type", ylabel=key.capitalize()) return ax
[docs]@doc def cell_co_occurrence(data: AnnData, use: str = "dot", # dot, heatmap groupby: List = None, key: str = "cell_co_occurrence", type_order: List[str] = None, order: bool = True, **plot_options, ): """Visualization of cell co-occurrence Parameters ---------- data : {adata_plotting} groupby : {groupby} key : {plot_key} use : {'dot', 'heatmap'}, default: 'dot' type_order : {type_order} order: bool The order of co-occurrence. **plot_options: Pass to :func:`` and :func:`milkviz.anno_clustermap`. """ data = get_result(data, key) if use == "dot": data = pd.DataFrame(data.sum().reset_index()) data = pairs_to_adj(data, type_order) plot_data = data.to_numpy() xticklabels = data.columns yticklabels = data.index.tolist() if not order: plot_data =, 0) xticklabels = xticklabels[::-1] plot_options = {"dot_patch": "pie", **plot_options} return dot_heatmap(plot_data, xticklabels=xticklabels, yticklabels=yticklabels, **plot_options ) else: groupby = data.index.names[0] if groupby is None else groupby plot_options = {"categorical_cbar": ['Non-Occur', 'Co-occur'], "col_legend_split": False, "col_legend_title": "Cell Type", "cbar_title": "Occurrence", **plot_options} return anno_clustermap(data, col_colors=['type1', 'type2'], row_colors=groupby, **plot_options )