Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData
from itertools import cycle
from legendkit import CatLegend
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex
from milkviz import point_map, polygon_map
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Dict

from import AnalysisBase
from spatialtis.utils import doc
from .utils import COLOR_POOL

def _fig_layout(count, ncol):
    if count <= ncol:
        nrow = 1
        ncol = count
        nrow = count // ncol + (count % ncol > 0)
    return nrow, ncol

def _sep_plot_options(plot_options, hijack="legend_kw"):
    # hijack the legend configuration
    legend_kw = {}
    if hijack in plot_options.keys():
        legend_kw = plot_options[hijack]
        del plot_options[hijack]
    # don't allow use to set ax to prevent overlay
    if 'ax' in plot_options.keys():
        del plot_options['ax']
    return legend_kw, plot_options

def _color_mapper(ab,
    # assign cell colors for each cell type
    color_mapper = {}
    legend_color_mapper = {}
    store_key = "cell_colors"
    unique_types = ab.cell_types
    if ab.has_cell_type:
        # if user specific a colormap, we use user one
        # otherwise, create a new one or read from anndata
        if types_colors is not None:
            color_mapper = types_colors
            if store_key in data.uns_keys():
                # alloc new to prevent modified the stored version
                color_mapper = {**data.uns[store_key]}
                # Create a global color mapper to ensure that the cell color is the same across ROI
                color_mapper = dict(zip(unique_types, cycle(COLOR_POOL)))
                # alloc new to prevent modified the stored version
                data.uns[store_key] = {**color_mapper}
        if selected_types is not None:
            unique_types = np.unique(selected_types)
            for t in selected_types:
                legend_color_mapper[t] = color_mapper[t]
            masked_type_color = to_hex(masked_type_color, keep_alpha=True)
            color_mapper[masked_type_name] = masked_type_color
            legend_color_mapper[masked_type_name] = masked_type_color
            legend_color_mapper = {**color_mapper}
    return color_mapper, legend_color_mapper, unique_types

def _masked_cell_type(cell_types, unique_types, selected_types,
    if (cell_types is not None) & (selected_types is not None):
        cell_mask = np.isin(cell_types, unique_types)
        cell_types[~cell_mask] = masked_type_name
    return cell_types

[docs]@doc def cell_map( data: AnnData, rois: List[str], ncol: int = 5, use_shape: bool = False, show_neighbors: bool = False, selected_types: Optional[List] = None, masked_type_name: str = "Other", masked_type_color: str = "#d3d3d3", figsize: Tuple[float, float] = None, wspace: float = 0, hspace: float = 0.1, types_colors: Dict = None, cell_type_key: str = None, shape_key: str = None, centroid_key: str = None, roi_key: str = None, **plot_options, ): """Visualize cells and neighbors relationship in ROI Parameters ---------- data : {adata_plotting} rois : list of str A list of ROI name that you want to plot. ncol : int The number of columns in the figure layout. use_shape : bool Plot cell in polygon only when shape data is available. show_neighbors : bool Plot the neighbors' relationship. selected_types : {selected_types} masked_type_name : str, default: 'Other' The name of the cell types not in selected_types. masked_type_color : color-like, default: '#d3d3d3' The color of the cell types not in selected_types. figsize : tuple of float The size of figure. wspace : float, default: 0 The space between plots vertically. hspace : float, default: 0.1 The space between plots horizontally. types_colors : dict Change the color for each cell type, Key is the type and value is the color. cell_type_key : {cell_type_key} shape_key : {shape_key} centroid_key : {centroid_key} roi_key : {roi_key} **plot_options: Pass to :func:`milkviz.point_map` or :func:`milkviz.polygon_map` """ ab = AnalysisBase(data, cell_type_key=cell_type_key, shape_key=shape_key, centroid_key=centroid_key, roi_key=roi_key, verbose=False) if show_neighbors: if ab.dimension == 3: raise NotImplementedError("Does not support 3D neighbor map") ab.check_neighbors() ab.is_rois_name_unique() if isinstance(rois, str): rois = [rois] color_mapper, legend_color_mapper, unique_types = \ _color_mapper(ab, data, masked_type_name, masked_type_color, types_colors, selected_types ) roi_count = len(rois) nrow, ncol = _fig_layout(roi_count, ncol) if figsize is None: figsize = (ncol * 4, nrow * 4) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) legend_kw, plot_options = _sep_plot_options(plot_options) ax_index = 1 axes = [] if show_neighbors: for roi_name, points, cell_types, labels, neighbors in ab.iter_roi( fields=['centroid', 'cell_type', 'neighbors'], filter_rois=rois, disable_pbar=True, ): cell_types = _masked_cell_type(cell_types, unique_types, selected_types, masked_type_name) # get points points = np.array(points) # get neighbors labels = np.asarray(labels) nmin = labels.min() links = [] for l, neigh in zip(labels, neighbors): for n in neigh: if int(n) > l: links.append((n - nmin, l - nmin)) ax = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, ax_index) point_map(points, types=cell_types, links=links, colors=color_mapper, ax=ax, legend=False, **plot_options) ax.set_title(", ".join([str(i) for i in roi_name])) ax_index += 1 axes.append(ax) else: for roi_name, points, cell_types, polygons in ab.iter_roi( fields=['centroid', 'cell_type', 'shape'], filter_rois=rois, disable_pbar=True, ): cell_types = _masked_cell_type(cell_types, unique_types, selected_types, masked_type_name) if use_shape: ax = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, ax_index) polygon_map(polygons, types=cell_types, colors=color_mapper, ax=ax, legend=False, **plot_options) else: points = np.array(points) if ab.dimension == 2: ax = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, ax_index) point_map(points, types=cell_types, colors=color_mapper, ax=ax, legend=False, **plot_options) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, ax_index, projection="3d") ax = point_map(points, types=cell_types, colors=color_mapper, ax=ax, legend=False, **plot_options) ax.set_title(", ".join([str(i) for i in roi_name])) ax_index += 1 axes.append(ax) if ab.has_cell_type: legend_ax = axes[-1] labels, colors = zip(*legend_color_mapper.items()) legend_options = dict( title="Cell Type", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5), loc="center left", ) legend_options = {**legend_options, **legend_kw} CatLegend(colors=colors, labels=labels, handle="circle", ax=legend_ax, **legend_options) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) plt.close() return fig
[docs]@doc def expression_map( data: AnnData, rois: List[str], markers: List[str], use_shape: bool = False, x_axis: str = "marker", figsize: Tuple = None, wspace: float = 0, hspace: float = 0.2, selected_types: List = None, cell_type_key: str = None, marker_key: str = None, shape_key: str = None, centroid_key: str = None, roi_key: str = None, **plot_options, ): """Visualize marker expression in ROI Parameters ---------- data : {adata_plotting} rois : list of str A list of ROI name that you want to plot. markers : list of str A list of markers name that you want to plot. x_axis : {'marker', 'roi'}, default: 'marker' What is on the x-axis, the marker or roi. use_shape : bool Plot cell in polygon only when shape data is available. figsize : tuple of float The size of figure. wspace : float, default: 0 The space between plots vertically. hspace : float, default: 0.1 The space between plots horizontally. selected_types : {selected_types} cell_type_key : {cell_type_key} marker_key : {marker_key} shape_key : {shape_key} centroid_key : {centroid_key} roi_key : {roi_key} **plot_options : Pass to :func:`milkviz.point_map` or :func:`milkviz.polygon_map` """ ab = AnalysisBase(data, cell_type_key=cell_type_key, shape_key=shape_key, centroid_key=centroid_key, roi_key=roi_key, marker_key=marker_key, verbose=False) ab.is_rois_name_unique() if isinstance(rois, str): rois = [rois] if isinstance(markers, str): markers = [markers] unique_types = ab.cell_types if ab.has_cell_type & (selected_types is not None): unique_types = np.unique(selected_types) nrow = len(rois) ncol = len(markers) ax_indexes = np.arange(1, nrow * ncol + 1) if x_axis == "roi": nrow, ncol = ncol, nrow ax_indexes = ax_indexes.reshape(nrow, ncol).T.flatten() if figsize is None: figsize = (ncol * 4, nrow * 4) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) cbar_kw, plot_options = _sep_plot_options(plot_options, "cbar_kw") cbar_options = dict( orientation="horizontal", loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.01) ) cbar_options = {**cbar_options, **cbar_kw} ax_indexes_iter = iter(ax_indexes) axes = [] roi_names = [] for roi_name, points, markers_name, exp, cell_types, polygons in ab.iter_roi( fields=['centroid', 'exp', 'cell_type', 'shape'], filter_rois=rois, disable_pbar=True, selected_markers=markers ): roi_names.append(roi_name) cell_mask = None if cell_types is not None: if selected_types is not None: cell_mask = np.isin(cell_types, unique_types) exp = exp[:, cell_mask] if use_shape: if cell_mask is not None: polygons = np.asarray(polygons)[cell_mask] for varray in exp: ax_index = next(ax_indexes_iter) ax = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, ax_index) polygon_map(polygons, values=varray, ax=ax, cbar_kw=cbar_options, **plot_options) axes.append(ax) else: points = np.array(points) if cell_mask is not None: points = points[cell_mask] if ab.dimension == 2: for varray in exp: ax_index = next(ax_indexes_iter) ax = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, ax_index) point_map(points, values=varray, ax=ax, cbar_kw=cbar_options, **plot_options) axes.append(ax) else: for varray in exp: ax_index = next(ax_indexes_iter) ax = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, ax_index, projection="3d") point_map(points, values=varray, ax=ax, cbar_kw=cbar_options, **plot_options) axes.append(ax) # add title roi_label = [", ".join([str(i) for i in roi_name]) for roi_name in roi_names] label_index = np.arange(0, nrow * ncol).reshape(nrow, ncol) x_index = label_index[0] y_index = label_index[:, 0] x_content = markers y_content = roi_label if x_axis == "roi": axes = np.asarray(axes)[np.argsort(ax_indexes)] x_content, y_content = y_content, x_content for i, c in zip(x_index, x_content): axes[i].set_title(c) for i, c in zip(y_index, y_content): ax = axes[i] if ab.dimension == 2: text = getattr(ax, 'text') else: text = getattr(ax, 'text2D') text(-0.01, 0.5, c, transform=ax.transAxes, fontdict=dict(rotation=90, va="center", ha="center")) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) plt.close() return fig