Save Results ======================= Save analysis results ++++++++++++++++++++++ There are two methods to save the analysis results of SptialTis. Just directly access :code:`.result` attribute:: result = st.cell_components(data).result Or you can read it from anndata if you know the key:: result = st.get_result(data, 'your_key') Save visualization results ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you set the :code:`CONFIG.AUTO_SAVE`, the image can be saved automatically:: CONFIG.AUTO_SAVE = True # create a default saved path CONFIG.AUTO_SAVE = "your_saved_folder" # provide your own saved path Or you can manually save it:: sp.cell_components(data).save("saved_path/img.png") The default will ensure a publication quality save (dpi>=300). To gain more access to the plot, you can get the plot instance:: sp.cell_components(data).fig # For matplotlib sp.cell_components(data).plot # For bokeh & pyecharts .. note:: Starting from 0.3.0, SpatialTis provides static visualization based on matplotlib for every analysis. The interactive visualizations are saved to `.html` by default. If you want to export them into static images, the best way is to use screen capture. All the interactive visualization are rendered in HTML5 Canvas/SVG. To save these plots into static images, extra dependencies need to be installed. There are three visualization libraries used in spatialtis: +--------------+----------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+ | | **bokeh** | **pyecharts** | **matplotlib** | +--------------+----------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+ | Renderer | Canvas, | Canvas, | WX, GTK, | | | SVG | SVG (Not perfect) | Cairo ... | +--------------+----------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+ | Naive export | `.html`, `.svg` | `.html`, `.png` | `.png`, `.jpeg`, | | | | | `.eps`, `.pdf` ...| +--------------+----------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+ To export `.svg` in pyecharts, pass parameter `renderer='svg'` into plotting function to switch to svg backend, the default is 'canvas'; However, the svg is not perfect, your exported image might has layout issue. This can only be solved if echarts.js support `svg` further in the future. For bokeh, you need to install `geckodriver `_ with `firefox `_ or `chromedriver `_ with `chromium `_, check `selenium-python `_, download selenium afterwards; For pyecharts, `phantom.js` is recommended. Installation of selenium -------------------------- - `selenium-python `_ :: # use conda conda install -c conda-forge selenium # use pip pip install selenium Installation of phantomjs -------------------------- :: # use conda conda install -c conda-forge phantomjs # use npm npm install phantomjs Installation of firefox and geckodriver ---------------------------------------------------- - `geckodriver `_ - `firefox `_ :: conda install -c conda-forge firefox geckodriver Or you can download them from the official release site, remember to add geckodriver to your path if install manually. Installation of chromium and chromedriver ------------------------------------------ - `chromedriver `_ - `chromium `_ If you have chrome on you system, you only need to install chromedriver, remember to add chromedriver to your path.