Export to static image


If you need to run on cluster or non-display environment, it’s recommended that you save the data first and visualize it in your own computer with screen. So that you can have better authetic control towards the visuzliation. For pyecharts’ visualization, you should export it as html, open in browser, adjust it till you are satisfied and then use the save bottom to save it in .png. If you run in notebook, bokeh and pyecharts can be rendered inline.

Some of the visualizations in spatialtis are interactive, it’s rendered in HTML5 Canvas/SVG. To save these plots into static images, extra dependencies need to be installed. There are three visualization libraries used in spatialtis:





Canvas, SVG

Canvas, SVG (Not perfect)

WX, GTK, Cairo …

Naive export

.html, .svg

.html, .png

.png, .jpeg, .eps, .pdf

All static export will ensure the image quality reach the normal publication requirement (dpi>=300), if you need further configuration, use return_plot=True to get the plot instance.

To export .svg in pyecharts, pass parameter renderer=’svg’ into plotting function to switch to svg backend, the default is ‘canvas’; However, the svg is not perfect, your exported image might has layout issue. This can only be solved if echarts.js support svg further in the future.

For bokeh >= 2.0.0, you need to install geckodriver with firefox or chromedriver with chromium, check selenium-python, download selenium afterwards; For pyecharts, phantom.js is recommended.

Installation of selenium

# use conda
conda install -c conda-forge selenium
# use pip
pip install selenium

Installation of phantomjs

# use conda
conda install -c conda-forge phantomjs
# use npm
npm install phantomjs

Installation of firefox and geckodriver

conda install -c conda-forge firefox geckodriver

Or you can download them from the official release site, remember to add geckodriver to your path if install manually.

Installation of chromium and chromedriver

If you have chrome on you system, you only need to install chromedriver, remember to add chromedriver to your path.