Source code for spatialtis.spatial.neighbors

import warnings
from ast import literal_eval
from typing import Optional

import pandas as pd
from anndata import AnnData

from import AnalysisBase
from spatialtis.config import CONFIG
from spatialtis.typing import Number
from spatialtis.utils import col2adata_obs, doc
from spatialtis.utils.log import pbar_iter

[docs]@doc class find_neighbors(AnalysisBase): """To `find the neighbors <../about/implementation.html#find-cell-neighbors>`_ of each cell KD-tree is used when cells are points R-tree is used when cells are polygons (use_shape=True) Args: data: {adata} expand: If the cell has shape, it means how much units to expand each cell; If the cell is point, it's the search radius; scale: How much to scale each cell, only if cell has shape count: Count the number of neighbors for each cell (Default: True) use_shape: Cell representation is shape instead of point (Default: False) **kwargs: {analysis_kwargs} """ def __init__( self, data: AnnData, expand: Optional[Number] = None, scale: Optional[Number] = None, count: Optional[bool] = True, use_shape: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ): if use_shape: self.method = "R-tree" else: self.method = "KD-tree" if "export_key" not in kwargs: kwargs["export_key"] = CONFIG.NEIGHBORS_KEY super().__init__(data, task_name="find_neighbors", **kwargs) try: import neighborhood_analysis as na except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Package not found, try `pip install neighborhood_analysis`." ) if (expand is None) & (scale is None): raise ValueError("Neither 'expand' or 'scale' are specific") if expand is not None: if expand < 0: raise ValueError("Can't shrink cell, 'expand' must >= 0") if scale is not None: if scale < 1: raise ValueError("Can't shrink cell, 'scale' must >= 1") if (expand is not None) & (scale is not None): warnings.warn( f"Conflict parameters, can't set 'expand' and 'scale' in the same time, use expand={expand}" ) if (expand is None) & (not use_shape): raise ValueError("Cannot scale a point, use 'expand' instead") # prepare data for shape neighbor search[self.neighbors_ix_key] = [ i for i in range([0]) ] track_ix = [] neighbors = [] if use_shape: need_eval = self.is_col_str(self.shape_key) bboxs = [] labels = [] for n, g in pbar_iter( data.obs.groupby(self.exp_obs, sort=False), desc="Get cell bbox", ): shapes = g[self.shape_key] if need_eval: cell_shapes = [literal_eval(cell) for cell in shapes] else: cell_shapes = [cell for cell in shapes] bbox = na.get_bbox(cell_shapes) bboxs.append(bbox) labels.append(list(g[self.neighbors_ix_key])) track_ix += list(g.index) for bbox, label in pbar_iter( zip(bboxs, labels), desc="Find neighbors", total=len(bbox), ): if expand is not None: neighbors += na.get_bbox_neighbors( bbox, expand=expand, labels=label ) else: neighbors += na.get_bbox_neighbors(bbox, scale=scale, labels=label) else: groups = data.obs.groupby(self.exp_obs, sort=False) for n, g in pbar_iter( groups, desc="Find neighbors", total=len(groups), ): cells = [literal_eval(c) for c in g[self.centroid_key]] neighbors += na.get_point_neighbors( cells, expand, labels=list(g[self.neighbors_ix_key]) ) track_ix += list(g.index) col2adata_obs(pd.Series(neighbors, index=track_ix), data, self.export_key) if count: counts = [len(i) for i in neighbors] col2adata_obs(counts, data, f"{self.export_key}_count") self.stop_timer() @property def result(self): return[self.exp_obs + [self.export_key]]