
class spatialtis.config._Config[source]

Global configurations for spatialtis

Don’t directly import this class, import the instance created for you

>>> from spatialtis import Config

This allows you to set global configuration, so that you don’t have to repeatly pass the same parameters in every function.

To set a config, simple set the attribute

>>> Config.auto_save = True  # auto save to current directory
>>> Config.auto_save = "my_spatialtis_result"  # save to custom directory

To view your current configs

>>> Config.view()
       Current configurations of SpatialTis
│ Options                 │ Attributes    │ Value │
│ Multiprocessing         │ mp            │ True  │
│ Verbose                 │ verbose       │ True  │
│ Progress bar            │ progress_bar  │ False │
│ Auto save               │ auto_save     │ False │
│ Experiment observations │ exp_obs       │ None  │
│ ROI key                 │ roi_key       │       │
│ Cell type key           │ cell_type_key │       │
│ Marker key              │ marker_key    │       │
│ Centroid key            │ centroid_key  │       │
│ Shape key               │ shape_key     │       │

REQUIRED, (Default: None); The columns in AnnData.obs that tells how your experiments organized, for example, you have different columns [“patients”, “sex”, “organ_part”, “roi_id”], the last one will be used as roi_key by default.


OPTIONAL, (Default: None); Overwrite the roi_key


REQUIRED, (Default: None); The column in AnnData.obs that store cell coordination, must be in wkt format, you can use spatialtis.transform_points to transform you data into wkt.


OPTIONAL, (Default: None);The columns in AnnData.obs that store cell shape, must be in wkt format, you can use spatialtis.transform_shapes to transform you data into wkt.


OPTIONAL, (Default: None); The columns in AnnData.obs that store cell type name, some analysis require cell type name to proceed


OPTIONAL, (Default: None); The columns in AnnData.var that store protein/gene/transcript… name, if not specific, will use AnnData.var.index. some analysis require marker name to proceed


OPTIONAL, (Default: True); To turn on/off multiprocessing. From v0.4.0, It only affects spatial_coexp, other analysis are implemented in Rust with default parallel processing on.


OPTIONAL, (Default: True); Control the printed message


OPTIONAL, (Default: True); Control the progress bar


OPTIONAL, (Default: None); Set to True will automatically save all images in spatialtis_result fold created at current directory, or set a path to store else where.



Save configurations to anndata


Load configurations from anndata


Reset to default


Print a table with current configurations