Source code for spatialtis.spatial.gcng.trainer

import logging
from itertools import product
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple
from time import time

import pandas as pd
from anndata import AnnData
from import AnalysisBase
from spatialtis.utils import read_neighbors, log_print, doc, pbar_iter

from .preprocess import overlap_genes, train_test_split, neighbors_pairs, \
    graph_data_loader, predict_data_loader

MODEL_SAVE_KEY = "SpatialTis-GCNG-Model-State"

[docs]@doc class GCNG(AnalysisBase): """A pytorch reimplementation of GCNG Use to identify directional gene-gene interactions. The trained model will be automatically save to anndata. .. note:: To perform this analysis, you need `pytorch <>`_, `pytorch-geometry <>`_ and `pytorch-lightning <>`_ installed. If you have GPU, make sure you install pytorch with GPU support, it would be way more faster than CPU. Args: data: {adata} known_pairs: The input data for training, should be a dataframe with three columns, ligand, receptor, relationship; 0 means not interact, 1 means interact. predict_pairs: The pairs that you interested train_partition: The ratio to split the dataset for training gpus: Number of gpu to use, can be auto-detected max_epochs: Number of epoch lr: Learning rate batch_size: The batch size random_seed: The random seed load_model: To load a pretrained model from anndata **kwargs: {analysis_kwargs} """ def __init__( self, data: AnnData, known_pairs: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, predict_pairs: Optional[List[Tuple]] = None, train_partition: float = 0.9, gpus: Optional[int] = None, max_epochs: int = 10, lr: float = 1e-4, batch_size: int = 32, random_seed: int = 42, load_model: bool = False, **kwargs, ): try: import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.nn import Flatten, Linear from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv, global_max_pool import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.core.lightning import LightningModule except ImportError: raise ImportError("To run GCNG, please install pytorch, pytorch-lightning, " "torch-geometric, torch_sparse and torch_scatter.") if known_pairs is None: raise NotImplementedError("Currently, you need to supply the training pairs youself") if predict_pairs is None: raise ValueError("To run the model, you must specific the `predict_pairs`" "and tell spatialtis the ligand-receptor pairs you want to predict.") else: if len(predict_pairs) < batch_size: raise ValueError("The predict_pairs must be longer than batch size") super().__init__(data, display_name="GCNG", **kwargs) device = "cpu" if gpus is None: cuda_count = torch.cuda.device_count() gpus = cuda_count if gpus > 0: device = "cuda" # To make pytorch a optional deps # We could only init the model from within class GCNGModel(LightningModule): def __init__(self, node_size, output_features, lr=lr): super().__init__() self.conv1 = GCNConv(2, 32) self.conv2 = GCNConv(32, 32) self.dense1 = Linear(output_features * node_size * 32, 512) self.dense2 = Linear(512, output_features) self.flatten = Flatten() = lr self.correct = 0 self.test_data_len = 0 self.acc = 0 self.pred = [] def forward(self, x, edge_index): # x, edge_index = data.x, data.edge_index x = self.conv1(x, edge_index) x = F.elu(x) x = self.conv2(x, edge_index) x = F.elu(x) x = torch.flatten(x) x = self.dense1(x) x = F.elu(x) x = self.dense2(x) return torch.sigmoid(x) def configure_optimizers(self): return torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), def training_step(self, train_data, batch_idx): x, edge_index, batch = train_data.x, train_data.edge_index, train_data.batch x = self(x, edge_index) loss_in = x.flatten() loss_out = train_data.y loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(loss_in, loss_out) return loss def test_step(self, test_data, batch_idx): x, edge_index, batch = test_data.x, test_data.edge_index, test_data.batch x = self(x, edge_index) pred = x.detach().cpu().numpy().flatten().round() truth_y = test_data.y.cpu().numpy() self.correct += (pred == truth_y).sum() self.test_data_len += len(test_data.y) self.acc = self.correct / self.test_data_len return self.acc def predict_step(self, predict_data, batch_idx): x, edge_index, batch = predict_data.x, predict_data.edge_index, predict_data.batch x = self(x, edge_index) self.pred = x.detach().cpu().numpy().flatten().round().tolist() return self.pred def release_gpu_mem(self): try: torch.cuda.empty_cache() except Exception: pass def on_train_end(self, *args, **kwargs): self.release_gpu_mem() def on_predict_batch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): self.release_gpu_mem() # init model and trainer first gc = GCNGModel(data.n_obs, batch_size, lr=lr) pl.seed_everything(random_seed, workers=True) trainer = pl.Trainer(gpus=gpus, max_epochs=max_epochs, deterministic=True, progress_bar_refresh_rate=0, weights_summary=None, precision=16) # create neighbors pairs npairs = neighbors_pairs(data.obs[self.cell_id_key], read_neighbors(data.obs, self.neighbors_key)) # get exp info and create markers mapper # markers' name will all be lowercase exp = data.X.T markers = data.var.markers markers = pd.Series([i.lower() for i in markers], index=markers.index) markers_mapper = dict(zip(markers.tolist(), range(len(markers)))) if load_model: # load pre-trained model try: state =[MODEL_SAVE_KEY] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Pre-trained model not found, please retrain the model") gc.load_state_dict(state) else: # find overlap genes lr_genes = known_pairs.iloc[:, [0, 1]].to_numpy().flatten() overlap_sets = overlap_genes(self.markers, lr_genes) filtered_pairs = known_pairs[known_pairs.iloc[:, 0].isin(overlap_sets) & known_pairs.iloc[:, 1].isin(overlap_sets)].iloc[:, [0, 1, 2]] if len(filtered_pairs) == 0: raise ValueError("The gene in `known_pairs` has no overlap with genes in data") # train the model train, test = train_test_split(filtered_pairs, train_partition) log_print(f"Training set: {len(train)}, Test set: {len(test)}") train_loader = graph_data_loader(train, exp, markers_mapper, npairs, device, batch_size, shuffle=True) test_loader = graph_data_loader(test, exp, markers_mapper, npairs, device, batch_size, shuffle=False) log_print("Finish loading data, start training"), train_loader) trainer.test(dataloaders=test_loader, verbose=False) log_print(f"Model accuracy {gc.acc}")[MODEL_SAVE_KEY] = gc.state_dict() # save model self.model = gc # allow user to access model self.trainer = trainer # the model output is dynamically adjust according to batch size # the predict step should be able to iter through all pairs predict_size = len(predict_pairs) append_amount = batch_size - predict_size % batch_size predict_pairs += predict_pairs[:append_amount] predict = pd.DataFrame(predict_pairs) # print(f"predict size {len(predict)}") # predict_loader = predict_data_loader(predict, exp, markers_mapper, npairs, device, batch_size) # # init the model and train # trainer.predict(dataloaders=predict_loader) # predict['relationship'] = gc.pred pred = [] for i in pbar_iter(range(0, predict_size, batch_size), desc="Fetching predict result"): predict_tmp = pd.DataFrame(predict_pairs[i: i+batch_size]) predict_loader = predict_data_loader(predict_tmp, exp, markers_mapper, npairs, device, batch_size) # init the model and train trainer.predict(dataloaders=predict_loader) pred += gc.pred # release_gpu_mem() # completely release mem when exit gc.release_gpu_mem() predict['relationship'] = pred predict.columns = ['Gene1', 'Gene2', 'relationship'] self.result = predict.iloc[:predict_size, :].copy()