Source code for spatialtis.spatial.heterogeneity

import warnings
from typing import Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
from anndata import AnnData
from scipy.stats import entropy
from spatialtis_core import spatial_entropy

from import AnalysisBase
from spatialtis.typing import Array, Number
from spatialtis.utils import doc, read_points

[docs]@doc class spatial_heterogeneity(AnalysisBase): """Evaluate tissue heterogeneity based on entropy Entropy describes the amount of information. - `Shannon entropy <../about/implementation.html#shannon-entropy>`_ (No spatial info included):\ To compare the difference within a group (eg. different samples from same tumor), Kullback–Leibler divergences\ for each sample within the group are computed, smaller value indicates less difference within group. - `Leibovici entropy <../about/implementation.html#leibovici-entropy>`_:\ You can specific the distance threshold to determine co-occurrence events. - `Altieri entropy <../about/implementation.html#altieri-entropy>`_:\ You can specific the distance interval to determine co-occurrence events. Args: data: {adata} method: "shannon", "leibovici" and "altieri" (Default: "leibovici") d: :code:`method="leibovici"`, The distance threshold to determine co-occurrence events cut: :code:`method="altieri"`, Distance interval **kwargs: {analysis_kwargs} """ def __init__( self, data: AnnData, method: str = "leibovici", d: Optional[int] = None, cut: Union[int, Array, None] = None, order: bool = False, **kwargs, ): methods_list = ["shannon", "altieri", "leibovici"] if method not in methods_list: raise ValueError( f"Unknonw method: {method}," f"Available: {', '.join(methods_list)}." ) super().__init__( data, method=f"{method.capitalize()} entropy", **kwargs, ) if method == "shannon": df = self.type_counter() if len(df.columns) == 1: warnings.warn( "No heterogeneity, you only have one type of cell.", UserWarning ) else: ent = [entropy(row) for _, row in df.iterrows()] self.result = pd.DataFrame({"heterogeneity": ent}, index=df.index) else: points_collections = [] types_collections = [] track_ix = [] type_mapper = {t: i for i, t in enumerate(self.cell_types)} for roi_name, roi_data in self.roi_iter(desc="Spatial heterogeneity"): points_collections.append(read_points(roi_data, self.centroid_key)) types_collections.append(roi_data[self.cell_type_key].map(type_mapper)) track_ix.append(roi_name) ent = spatial_entropy( points_collections, types_collections, method=method, d=d, cut=cut, order=order, ) self.result = pd.DataFrame( {"heterogeneity": ent}, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(track_ix, names=self.exp_obs), )