Source code for spatialtis.spatial.nmd_markers

from typing import Dict, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from anndata import AnnData
from scipy.stats import spearmanr

from import AnalysisBase
from spatialtis.utils import NeighborsNotFoundError
from spatialtis.typing import Number
from spatialtis.utils import doc, pbar_iter, read_exp, read_neighbors

[docs]@doc class NMD_marker(AnalysisBase): """Identify neighbor markers dependent marker The neighborhood is treated as a single cell. Args: data: {adata} exp_std_cutoff: Standard deviation, threshold to filter out markers that are not variant enough pval: {pval} selected_markers: {selected_markers} layers_key: {layers_key} tree_kwargs: {tree_kwargs} **kwargs: {analysis_kwargs} """ def __init__( self, data: AnnData, pval: float = 0.01, importance_cutoff: Number = 0.5, layer_key: Optional[str] = None, tree_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs, ): try: from lightgbm import LGBMRegressor except ImportError: raise ImportError("lightgbm is not installed, please try `pip install lightgbm`.") super().__init__(data, display_name="NMD marker", **kwargs) if not self.neighbors_exists: raise NeighborsNotFoundError("Run `find_neighbors` first before continue.") tree_kwargs_ = {"n_jobs": -1, "random_state": 0, "importance_type": "gain"} if tree_kwargs is not None: for k, v in tree_kwargs.items(): tree_kwargs_[k] = v markers =[self.marker_key] neighbors = read_neighbors(, self.neighbors_key) cent_exp = read_exp(, layer_key) # treat the neighbors as single cell # sum the expression neigh_exp = np.asarray([read_exp([n, :], layer_key).sum(1) for n in neighbors]) results_data = [] for i, y in enumerate(pbar_iter(cent_exp, desc="Neighbor-depedent markers",)): reg = LGBMRegressor(**tree_kwargs_).fit(neigh_exp, y) weights = np.asarray(reg.feature_importances_) ws = weights.sum() if ws != 0: weights = weights / weights.sum() max_ix = np.argmax(weights) max_weight = weights[max_ix] if max_weight > importance_cutoff: r, pvalue = spearmanr(y, neigh_exp[:, max_ix]) if pvalue < pval: results_data.append( [markers[i], markers[max_ix], max_weight, r, pvalue] ) self.result = pd.DataFrame( data=results_data, columns=["marker", "neighbor_marker", "dependency", "corr", "pval"], )