
spatialtis.read_images(images, masks, markers=None, annotations=None, image_axes='cyx', intensity_measure='mean', shape_approx='convex', concavity=1.5, geopandas_compatible=True, is3d=False, sparse=False)[source]#

Read single cell data from images and masks.

imageslist of str or path

Images files.

maskslist of str or path

Masks files, should be one to one match to image.


The name of markers. A dataframe that annotate markers’ name, target, tag etc.


The annotations to your image ROI, for example: if you have two images, you can annotate it with pd.DataFrame({‘ROI’: [‘ROI1’, ‘ROI2’]).

image_axes{‘cyx’, ‘xyc’}, default: ‘cyx’.

The layout order of your input images.

intensity_measurestr, default: ‘mean’

The way to measure pixel intensity, available for any numpy method, mostly used are ‘mean’, ‘sum’ or ‘max’.

shape_approx{‘convex’, ‘concave’}, default: ‘convex’

The method to approximate the cell shape. ‘convex’ is fast, ‘concave’ is slow but accurate.

concavityfloat, default: 1.5

Control the concave result.

geopandas_compatiblebool, default: True

Convert centroid and shape to wkt format if True.

is3dbool, default: False.

Treat input image as 3D stack.

sparsebool, default: False.

Convert expression matrix to sparse format.